Case Study
Okaïdi Obaïbi

Revitalize, boost, and diversify an affiliate program for the leading children’s clothing retailer

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Okaïdi Obaïbi

OKAÏDI, a universal, creative brand that respects the identity of each child. With over 700 stores in 60 countries worldwide.

Founded in 1996, OKAÏDI represents and offers collections of modern, easy-to-wear, and mix-and-match clothing, allowing everyone to express their personality! OKAÏDI is part of the IdKids group, which brings together the brands: OKAÏDI, OBAÏBI, OXYBUL-ÉVEIL ET JEUX, JACADI, BUBBLE MAG, and RIGOLO COMME LA VIE. All are united by a founding project: to act so that the world progresses to serve the growing child, now summarized by the commitment “ACT FOR KIDS.


Objectives and Constraints

  • Build an effective, high-performing, and sustainable low funnel and develop a middle and upper funnel with “fresh and innovative” affiliate marketing.
  • Diversify our media mix and offer consumers new ways to discover our products.
  • Significantly increase revenue while controlling ROI.
Deployed strategy

Tactical Activations

  • Opportunity Levers: Implement a bottom-funnel strategy with profitable CPA partnerships and fixed fees.
  • Consideration Levers: Relay commercial operations with comparison sites, emailing, web push notifications, etc.
  • Premium Levers: Prioritize integrations on premium affinity sites such as birth registries, etc.

Tested Levers

  • Birth registry
  • Emailing
  • Web push notifications
  • Specialized and generic comparison sites
  • Cashback
Deployed strategy

Tactical Activations

  • Opportunity Levers: Implement a bottom-funnel strategy with profitable CPA partnerships and fixed fees.
  • Consideration Levers: Relay commercial operations with comparison sites, emailing, web push notifications, etc.
  • Premium Levers: Prioritize integrations on premium affinity sites such as birth registries, etc.

Tested Levers

  • Birth registry
  • Emailing
  • Web push notifications
  • Specialized and generic comparison sites
  • Cashback
Okaïdi Obaïbi
The results
Qualified affiliates onboarded
+ 12
ROI evolution
4,5 %
Share of Affiliate Marketing in revenue
15/11/2022 to 31/12/2022 vs. Previous Period
Louis Carbenay, Traffic Manager
Okaïdi Obaïbi
Louis Carbenay, Traffic Manager, Okaïdi Obaïbi

After being excluded from Okaïdi France’s media mix for several years, we wanted to relaunch affiliate marketing to diversify our media mix! In my opinion, Affilae is one of the players aiming to revitalize a “traditional” web channel. Our Account Manager regularly proposes new solutions that align with our expectations and business challenges while preserving our brand’s quality and image. With them, I believe affiliate marketing (re)becomes a cornerstone of Okaïdi’s media mix. Their strengths clearly lie in their daily dedication: proposals, initiatives, qualitative follow-up, market monitoring, etc. Proactivity seems to be a key word at Affilae!

Camille Zoulikian, Account Manager Senior

A great group, a great brand, a great team – it’s a real pleasure to interact daily with the Okaïdi team! Following a pause in the development of their previous affiliate program, it was a real challenge to relaunch and develop a new strategy together. We decided to focus on bottom-funnel publishers, prioritizing quality over quantity, especially in support of the brand’s commercial operations. More than just support, it’s a true collaboration based on listening and a beautiful synergy. We successfully combined our bottom-funnel strategy with premium top-funnel publishers in harmony with the brand.