Optimise the affiliate marketing channel to answer to the double notoriety and profitability objectives.

Who better than parents to know what would make their everyday lives easier?
Pillar of the Babymoov brand and strategy: co-creation. Babymoov is a French brand of childcare products since 1997, which takes care of future generations with products designed to last. Their secret is quite simply to talk to them directly: “innovation marathon” days are
regularly organised with parents, but also medical and paramedical experts, and many other specialists!

Find the balance between notoriety and profitability
- Optimise a “young” affiliate program (created on Q4 2020) in order to achieve a wide visibility on the top Early Childhood partners
- Meeting ambitious turnover targets and a Target ROI.

Babymoov created an affiliate marketing program with Affilae to go further in its influence strategies and media referencing.
Previously, I worked with another affiliate networks who weren’t transparent about their actions, I did not understand the details of the commissions and found it difficult to evaluate the performances of our campaigns.
I highly recommend Affilae for its transparency, its support and its platform which allows affiliates to be fairly remunerated, while rewarding the “top of the funnel” partners. They effectively helped us get the right mix between the Notoriety & Conversion campaigns to achieve a great ROI.

With the primary objective of acquisition, we developed the Babymoov program by working on the entire conversion funnel. Thanks to integrations and in-depth optimisations carried out with ultra-specialised editors, we are working on the notoriety and reinforcing the SEO positioning of the brand, Babymoov.
In parallel, the animation of the whole conversion funnel allows us to maintain a great ROI target. The outlook for 2022 is bright, with the introduction of new features, such as co-branding with other brands specialising in early childhood!