How to customise a publisher’s remuneration ?


In some situations you will need to customise the remuneration of a specific publisher.

In this case, it is not necessary to create an entire editor group for only one editor. Here’s how to customise a publisher’s remuneration.

Go to the “my affiliates” section, column “actions” and click on the “edit” button.

This will take you to the editor customisation area.

In this section you can switch the publisher from one group to another, change the type of link or add tags and, above all, customise his pay.

To do this, click on the “Personalize commission schemes” section, tick the “Personalize commission schemes” button and activate the rules for which you want to have customised commissions as below:

  personalized remuneration

Please note that if you do not customise a payment, the default rate of the group to which the publisher belongs will apply.

You will be able to find publishers with a customised rate from the “my affiliates” section via the “custom rate” filter.

A publisher with a custom rate will be displayed as below:


personalized affiliate

Now you know how to customize commissions for a publisher!