Customized integration

Customized integration of Affilae trackings

This documentation will guide you through the installation of Affilae Tracking Tags on your site.

Two steps are required to install the Affilae Tracking Tag.

  • Add the Affilae Tag to all the pages on your site. This tag will track your partners’ clicks and conversions.
  • Trigger the Conversion Tag to track a sale or lead.

Tag Affilae – Track your partners’ clicks

The role of the Affilae Tag, which must be placed on all site pages (or landing pages), is to detect clicks originating from your affiliates’ sites and protect the advertiser against false-click fraud.

Notes :

  • The Affilae Tag is different for each program.
  • The Affilae Tag must be added to all pages of your site, including the confirmation page.
  • The Affilae tag must be added between the head section or just after the body tag.
  • Check your CSPs

"default-src 'self'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; img-src 'self'; frame-src 'self'; connect-src".

How does it work?

  • The tag below is loaded asynchronously from the domain.
  • The Tag is initialized by the _ae variable. This variable is mandatory.
  • The Tag initializes the AeTracker object to collect clicks/conversions.
  • The Tag to be deployed is similar to the Tag below, but you need to replace the PROGRAM_ID with your own.
<!-- Affilae Tag --> 
<script type="text/javascript">
    var _ae = {
      /* PROGRAM_ID must be changed */
      'pid': 'PROGRAM_ID'
    (function () {
      var element = document.createElement('script'); element.type = 'text/javascript'; element.async = true;
      element.src = '//';
      var scr = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; scr.parentNode.insertBefore(element, scr);


Conversion Tag – Tracking conversions

The Conversion Tag is used to contact the Affilae server to inform it that a new conversion has been generated. The server thus detects whether or not the surfer has been the subject of affiliate tracking, and if so, records a new conversion. This conversion tag should be placed on your conversion confirmation page (leads, sales). Different types of tag are available to suit your needs. You need to create a unique conversion tag for each existing rule (i.e. KEY); however, you can have a JS tag with a fall-back iframe tag.

JS Tag

<script type="text/javascript">
      var aeEvent = {};
      aeEvent.key = '{{KEY}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion = {};
      /* Values below must be updated */ = '{{ID}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.amount = '{{AMOUNT}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.payment = '{{PAYMENT}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.voucher = '{{VOUCHER_CODE}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.subid = '{{SUB_ID}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.customer = '{{CUSTOMER_ID}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.currency = '{{CURRENCY_CODE}}';
      aeEvent.Conversion.product = '{{PRODUCT_ID}}'; // List of product_id separated by ;
      ('AeTracker' in window)
        ? AeTracker.sendConversion(aeEvent)
        : (window.AE = window.AE || []).push(aeEvent);

Note: To use this Tag, the Affilae Tag (Step 1) must be implemented.

Iframe Tag – Fall-back

<!-- Values in query string must be updated -->
<iframe src="{{KEY}}&id={{UNIQUE_ID}}&amount={{AMOUNT}}&payment={{PAYMENT}}&customer={{CUSTOMER_ID}}&cv={{SUB_ID}}&voucher={{VOUCHER_CODE}}&currency={{CURRENCY_CODE}}" frameborder="0" width="1" height="1"></iframe>

Note: Valid for redirection tracking.


Image Tag – Fall-back

<!-- Values in query string must be updated -->
<img src="{{KEY}}&id={{UNIQUE_ID}}&amount={{AMOUNT}}&payment={{PAYMENT}}&customer={{CUSTOMER_ID}}&cv={SUB_ID}&voucher={{VOUCHER_CODE}}&currency={{CURRENCY_CODE}}" style="display: none;" width="0" border="0" height="0">

Note: Valid for redirection tracking.

Parameters to be entered :


keyYesThe key is provided on the “conversion code” page accessible from the “Config” menu of your affiliate program. e.g. 5f04fe700000000000000000-5f04fe700000000000000000
idYesFill in this parameter with a unique identifier, the simplest being the order number. If you’re using this code to subscribe to your newsletter and you don’t have a unique identifier, we advise you to use a Hash (e.g. MD5) from the surfer’s e-mail, for example.
amountYes for salesTotal amount of the order, excluding VAT, which will be the basis for calculating the commission and sales generated. e.g. 123.45
paymentYes if the conversion is linked to a payment

If conversions are subject to payment, specify the method chosen by your customer, otherwise leave blank:

  • online for online payment
  • bankwire for payment by bank transfer
  • other for any other type of payment
customerYes, if Revenue Share is enabledCustomer ID if Revenue Share is enabled. Please use an identifier that will not change over time, the best being the ID number used in your database. Leave blank if you don’t use Revenue Share.
cvNoCustom variable that will be returned with the conversion, and available in the interface and API. Allows you to assign your own identifier to a conversion.
voucherNoVariable used to identify the promo code associated with a sale. The code is case-sensitive. Use `;` as separator to add multiple codes.
productNoList of product IDs, separator `;`.