A Golden Case Thanks to an Influence Strategy Boosted by Affiliation
For over 10 years, Affilae has been helping brands develop their acquisition strategies through affiliation. Along with developing the right software and mobile tools, our experts add value by advising brands on partnership/influence levers.
With Aime, we wanted to showcase our combined expertise in creating successful influence campaigns by participating in the Cas d’Or awards.
The Cas d’OR Performance Marketing awards highlight representative use cases in this segment through partnerships between Publishers, Platforms & Solutions, Agencies, Advertisers, and E-Commerce.
A jury of digital marketing and acquisition decision-makers had the interesting task of selecting the 2023 Cas d’OR Performance Marketing winners from 70 submissions.
Affilae & Aime won a Cas d’Or Performance Marketing 2023 Award in the Influence Marketing category during the awards ceremony on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

Audrey Martinez, Head of Acquisition & Influence at Aime’s Opinion
During the creation of AIME, acquisition was mainly organic, thanks to Mathilde Lacombe’s network. Initially, influence was mostly represented by “friends of the brand” without paid acquisition. In 2022, we decided to significantly boost our efforts with Mylène, our super account manager. Sourcing profiles with genuine interest in our brand and philosophy was a real need. Affilae enabled us to create trustworthy, profitable, and recurring partnerships with influencers. Today, they are true brand ambassadors. I am proud to win this award and share it with Affilae, a great recognition for both our teams!