Status of payment requests
The following are the different statuses of payment requests: :
- PENDING = The payment request has just been created and is therefore awaiting validation by the advertiser
- VALIDATED = The payment request has been seen and verified by the advertiser
- SCHEDULED = The payment request has been sent to the accounting department for imminent payment
- PAYED = The payment request has been paid by the advertiser (please take into account the transfer time of a normal bank transfer)
- REFUSED = la demande de paiement est refusée pour un motif légitime que l’annonceur vous communiquera.
Invoice payment deadlines
Depending on the programme’s payment management model, payment deadlines may change:
> The payment is managed by Affilae
An icon appears next to the program name:
You will also have this information on the programme sheet via this orange icon next to the programme logo:
In this case, Affilae will create the requests for you and automatically send them to the brand. If the payment has the status “validated”, this means that the invoice has been sent to the brand. The average payment time is 45 days, the time it takes for the brand to pay Affilae and for us to redistribute the commissions.
You don’t have to do anything in this case. We take care of everything, even the reminders to the brand.
> The payment is not managed by Affilae
No icon in the name of the programme.
In this case, it is up to the brand to pay you directly. The payment term remains at 45 days.
The management of the payments is to be done directly between the brands and yourself. For example, if you notice a delay, you can contact the brand via the messaging system or via its direct contact details (my partnerships > actions column > contact information).
In both cases, the responsibility for payment lies entirely with the advertisers. The brands remain the entities to be invoiced.